Trance Class: Flow
Tune your mind to a flowing relation to time in this 90 minute workshop.

Time & Location
Sep 11, 2024, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Julie's Zoom Zone
About the Workshop
The formula for self-mastery can be reduced to two components: resolving fear-based patterning and cultivating flow states in work, play and relating.
Flow states are periods of heightened awareness and narrowed focus within a sufficiently engaging activity - the ideal zone of creativity, self-expression and productivity for humans. It feels good and it's where our genius really gets to shine.
Fear-based patterning is flow’s negation: often unconscious modes of behavior that inhibit our natural ability to achieve our goals and harmonize with our environment.
I'm going to be teaching mostly about how to achieve higher flow states of consciousness. We'll tackle fear-based patterning in further workshops.
I'll train you to enter hypnotic trance, and then using hypnotic trance, you'll receive suggestion and imagery to achieve flow states. You also get a self-hypnosis recording to use at home, which seriously ups your success rate. Overall, the goal is to help you get more accomplished with more authenticity creativity and joy.
This class is pay-what-you-want (suggested $30, minimum $0 and maximum $3,000,000).
I'm so excited for this one. RSVP with the button to reserve one of only 20 spots!