This month's trance class is:

Training your mind is as essential as training your body.
Most of us just don't know how.
There are folks in the world who can live on after death. Some people can hold their breath for over twenty minutes. Perhaps more relatably, I cured my cat allergy by myself, simply by changing my attitude and re-training my mind.
Our minds and our lives are more malleable than we think.
When we neglect to train our minds, they experience the same shaky, weak, dangerous feelings that an untrained body experiences. When we choose to train our mind, we can focus our natural talents and become more effective, more loving, more wise, and in effect, substantially happier and healthier. ​​
Trance class trains mental plasticity through hypnotic trance.
If you can change your mind, you can change anything...
And it all begins with what you believe is possible and your relationship to your own inner world.
Each month we'll take on a timely core lesson, from healing childhood traumas to effectively holding political grief to learning more deeply who you are.

learn to change your world
Relax to Grow
Real, physiological relaxation is a skill that, in the 21st century, must be learned. Most of our lives are spent in a highly stressed state, and most of our our low-cost, low-effort options for calming ourselves are not very effective. Our modern favorite 'chill out' activities like scrolling, watching TV and doing housework do not count as relaxation, and can even make stress worse!
Becoming adept at trance is the solution to our overstressed lifestyles. A 15 minute self-hypnotic trance can offer the same mental and physical benefits as a one hour nap.
Train Your Mind
Just like the body needs exercise to be strong and flexible, so does the mind. If you don't currently have a mental training program (and even if you do), hypnotic trance is a foundational and buildable skill to increase mental strength and plasticity.
You can think of me as your fitness coach for training new mental skills, all towards better control and use of your mental capabilities. Once you've learned the basics of trance, developing new skills and ways of seeing life is easy and fun!
Change Your Programming
Most of what makes keeps us stressed, sick and unhappy is a result of automatic and unthinking behavior stemming from a reactive and untrained mind. We can quietly stir up all sorts of trouble for ourselves when we don't see and modify our patterns deliberately.
Your journey to mental mastery can be easeful, pleasant and fun with hypnotic trance. Learn to look at your patterns and programming with love and humor and to let them go easily and quickly.
Your life can be so good, all the time
It just takes some work!
Both beginners and those already experienced with consciousness and energy work can attend to get a crash course in self-hypnosis and using trance to positively affect your thought patterns, body systems and habits.
Join us to learn to relax,
to look inward more clearly,
to transform negative emotions,
to learn to self-heal,
to end procrastination,
to focus deeply,
to own your talents and use them,
to give yourself more compassion, courage and confidence,
to laugh and find joy,
and to love yourself even better.
These 90 minute introductory classes include deep background on what hypnosis and trance actually are and how they're used, 2 hypnosis experiences and lots of laughs and positive energy for all.
I'm offering these classes for those who are curious about using hypnotic trance to improve their lives but unready to commit to a full series of sessions. Even if all you want is to learn to relax, trance class can be beneficial and rewarding for you.
Trance Class is pay-what-you-want. I suggest $30.
You'll also have access to support recordings to reinforce and practice the specific techniques of the workshop on your own.
come to class

This month's Trance Class will focus on cultivating flow in your life.
Flow states are well-researched and universally-available states of heightened awareness, creative problem solving and present-mindedness. They are activated organically when we are deeply involved in something important to us.​Gaining access to and using flow is crucial for a holistically healthy life.
In this workshop I'll teach you how to achieve flow, what blocks flow, and how to get out of your own way and into a deep state of concentration, enjoyment and self-expression.